Hard-disk drive failure


Dec 27, 2014
I have received the message "Hard-disk drive failure - Strike the F1 key to continue". This has occurred twice - 12/26/14 and about exactly a month ago. Happens during the night when I'm not on computer. I powered machine down and restarted. Had no other problems between the two failure messages. I purchased the Dell Inspiron 660 June 2013. Does my hard drive need replaced already? Or is this occurring because some automatic system check triggers the error?
First back up any important data asap.

Then determine which model HDD is in the computer, I will assume Seagate or Western Digital -- go to their support site and download the HDD checking tool (Seatools or Data LifeGuard Diagnostics) and run it on your HDD to check its condition, use the extensive tests if given a choice.