Hard drive deleted


Mar 24, 2011
I have a laptop that I have deleted all the files on.

Can I buy windows xp or win 7 and install them?

The message I get when I start is
Boot Mgr is missing
Press c+a+d to restart

Also I have forgot the code for the setup facility,shall I bin the computer?

Before you buy Win XP or Win7, make sure that the computer is worth the investment. If the computer was purchased with the OS already installed, then the OS is an OEM version and is not transferable. You have deleted it anyway.

You can certainly buy a new OS and install it at any time you wish.
No I have not got a recovery disc,I think it has a restore point but I can't get access to the drive.
My problem started when I shut the comp.down when it was doing a defrag.
and I then tried my Win7 repair disc on the XP laptop.
The message I get when I start is
Boot Mgr is missing
Press c+a+d to restart
and a curser.
That is the message I get on starting my computer.