im having trouble with my hard drive the problem is occasionally when i do a system reboot i get a bsod now i defiantly know its not my ram because i upgraded literally like 3 weeks ago to 12 gb of ddr3 ram im suspecting it may be my hard drive iv owned it for 5 + years its only a 180gb. every time a boot i get bsod and then restart then the repair screen comes up, i let it do a full repair this time the last time this happened it wouldn't repair and then said the storage was corrupt so i did a system reinstall. how can i check weather my hard drive is on its way out and how long do i have? i have 2 other hard drives available to me so this is not a problem for me im just wondering how to check if it is a problem with my hard drive and how long iv got before a totally failure. if it is not the hard drive or my ram is there another issue that can cause a blue screen of death.