Hard Drive Failed on Gateway DX4200 - No recovery CDs


May 15, 2012
I have an older Gateway DX4200 that has a failed hard drive so no recovery CDs or partitions. Is there anyway I can either reinstall Vista Home Premium (I have the product key) or upgrade to Windows 7 Professional? I am not opposed to paying for a new license key, I just want to make sure whatever solution I choose works. Thank you in advance for your help.
if you have the cd key, you can always find someone that has the same version of vista to let you us their cd and then when time comes enter your cd key in, or buy an new windows 7 or 8 or 10 cd and install it
You can buy a new license of widnows 7 form any microosft releaser (like amazon, newegg, etc) and install windows 7.
You will need to download the drivesrs from gateway's website and you will probably need to do it form a different PC if Win 7 does not auto provide you with a lan driver.
I have the product key on the sticker on the computer. I also have an HP Pavilion A6300f that is in the same state. I have the product key for that one as well. I am trying a chkdsk on that one to see if I can at least copy the recovery partition.

Is anyone familiar with the website www.restoredisks.com? The website says that I can purchase restore disks for both of these computer for $26.99 each. Not that I don't want to spend the money for a Windows 7 license, just not sure I want to do it twice.
The Paladin suggested using the Vista Ultimate Upgrade CD that I had and just entering my OEM Product Key. So far it is working! Keep your fingers crossed. Thank you Paladin for your help!