Hard drive full


Sep 27, 2011
I have a PC with a 60gb SSD and also a 1TB normal hard drive. All programs including windows 7 and Microsoft office were loaded onto the SSD. I tried to print some stuff off and I was unable to, also I tried to open some pictures up and was got a message that low on storage space, I looked and saw that the C drive which is the SSD had no space left, I moved a few files to the 1TB hard drive but it didn't seem to show an increase in the SSD disk space, if I start moving programs from the SSD to the other drive, will this effect the programs, whats the best way forward.
That was the plan to just have MS 7 and MS office installed on there but everything else seems to have just gone there as well, I think it is just to full to operate anything, not sure what to do with it.

Move stuff or delete. You need to ensure when you install stuff and save stuff you do it to your hard drive not your ssd.
just burn on your dual layer dvd or dual layer bluray disk your data and after that delete your files or get 4TB HDD and keep adding drives if you never want to delete

Your OS will by default put everything on the C: drive - your SSD. This is the problem with a 60GB drive - while your OS and a limited number of programs will fit, as you use them more and more data gets added, and as time goes on you have to actively ensure that further programs and their workspace don't end up on the C: where they would normally be.

Start by doing a Disk Cleanup which should liberate some space, and obviously wipe files you don't want and uninstall programs you don't use - you can then go through and check preferences of your programs that they aren't working on the C: (I presume you have a secondary regular HD), move everything out of My Documents , etc (all of which is on the C:...)

... but really the solution is to buy a new, larger SSD (which will likely also be faster...)