Hard drive looks different than 1TB Seagate HDDs these days


Apr 18, 2015
I took apart my old dell optiplex computer for any parts I could use for a new build.

Basically, the hard drive from dell is quite big, doesn't show any disk, and has blue clips on the side which I don't see how it connects to the motherboard.
All hard drives I see now on Amazon by Seagate and WD look much much different.

Will my old hard drive me compatible? There's about 100+ GB of stuff on that hard drive and I'd like to not spend a whole day re-downloading all the software.

I'm going to be using the old case for a bit until I can buy a new one. And it's thin, doesn't fit any of the new PSU's which look pretty wide.

It is SATA, but I cannot find the Molex Power Connector.
And also because there's no giant connector.

On the HDD it shows Western Digital
WD Caviar (r) SE
Serial ATA Hard Drive

But the hard drive has 2 blue clips, and I can't see anywhere on the mobo I'm getting, I believe it's the Gigabyte GA 78lmt-usb3 motherboard. (I can't find the place where it used to be on my current motherboard either, there's nothing to clip the hard drive to.)

And the case is not the cases you see nowadays, it's very thin, you put a big graphics card on it, and you're literally full on space.
To power the drive, you may need a molex to SATA convertor.

Building in an old Dell case will be another level of challenge. If you don't have experience with building computers, I would suggest getting a less cramped case or you are setting yourself up for frustration for sure.

Oh nevermind, turns out that the hard drive is actually in this black plastic "case"

Here's the video I watched, 3:30 about there, is the removal of the hard drive, and about 5:40 is taking the plastic case off.

Really confusing, especially when starting to get into PC's