Hard Drive Lost Space After Format to Fat32


Nov 7, 2013
i formated my 160 gig external hdd to fat32 and its only seeing 32g, i have tried to restore to original size by formating back to ntfs but its still the same 32g, any tips how to get full drive back
You need to delete the 32g partition and create a new partion that is the full size of the drive, then format it as NTFS. Windows only allows a maximum 32g partition for FAT32. If you need a larger FAT32 partition, you will need a 3rd party tool to do it.

I've used this before with success.



Nov 7, 2013



Nov 7, 2013
i dont know if the problem is windows 7, i have deleted the partition formated it too NTFS but it wont recognise the lost space it says 31.4gig and should be 160 gig drive. ive used that tool fat32 formatter, ease us partiton manager, Partition Wizard Professional 8.1 and even windows 7 disk management & none of them see the lost space or unallocated space & only the drive with 31.4 gig. im either not doing the format correct or these cant bring back the drive. i would appreciate any ideas on this windows 7 problem
Starting with Windows 2000 you cannot create a FAT32 volume larger than 32GB within Windows. However, you can use third party, or earlier versions of Windows, to create and format a FAT32 volume out to the limits of the format and all versions of Windows will be able to use it. The reason for this limitation is that at 32GB and larger NTFS outperforms FAT32.
So, you are saying that after deleting the partition you tried to create a new partition, yet it couldn't see the full size of the drive? I don't know your level of experience, but you have to create a partition in order to be able to format it.

Some drives have a jumper to drop the size limit to 32gig. Are you sure you don't have a jumper set that shouldn't be.

Yeah, just trying to cover all the bases. The OP didn't specify his drive other than it's 160g and it seemed odd that it was stuck at 32 gig.


Nov 7, 2013
Checked its a IDE set as master, Seagate DB35.3 harddrive, as i said i formated it to fat32 & lost all the space on drive except 32 gig. Ive formated it back to NTFS but still only 32 gig. the unallocated space does not show up on any programme ive installed or on windows disk management, easeus is the same nothing except the 32gig is showing. the unallocated space is supposed to show up on the side of ur drive in these programmes but as ive said its not there