Hard Drive noises

unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
Got a WD Black as my boot drive (moved everything from the original drive using Acronis) and it makes this weird noise at the second the computer kills the power when shutting down. I don't know how to describe it, scraping, an electrical switch being killed?

My Green (the original boot drive) was virtually silent, so, is the black meant to do this? It's less than a day old.

Also, when Acronis did its thing it didn't move the 350 MB partition (which was and is still unallocated space on the Green drive that I can't do anything with. I also seem to get slower boot times with the Black (don't know if that's just me though)
Running Western Digital LifeGuard Diagnostics and both fail SMART Status. And also one of my drives shows as IDE in there, how??? So confused, they're both plugged in using SATA, AHCI is on in the BIOS last time I was there and both drives are a total of 2 weeks and a day old between them

EDIT: So apparently, it can't actually read the SMART status, that's why they fail