hard drive problem


Jul 14, 2013
I have just dropped my daughters passport hd on the floor and she is now unable to get her UNI assignments off it.When I plug it in the light comes on and tries to start up then light flashs and noise stops but nothing happens. I have tried a chkdsk run,
new cord, plugging into desktop instead of a laptop, no luck. now its in the freezer. any other things I can try plz ???

You can, but you'd have to buy a USB dock or cable.

And those are handy to have around anyway.

I dont have a desk top only a laptop so I cannot do that is that right ??

You can, but you'd have to buy a USB dock or cable.

And those are handy to have around anyway.
I will go out tomorrow and buy one. Thankyou so much for your help I really appreciate it.

Another question I have that you may be able to answer for me. My brothers laptop keeps getting a message come up saying its from windows, message says another computer has the same ip address as him. Is that possible?

The SATA dock thing may not work, but it's worth a try.

Depending on the configuration of the network he's connected to, yes. Two routers on the same LAN, both trying to serve up DHCP addresses....yeah, it's possible.

But without knowing more particulars, it's hard to say what the exact cause might be.

And create a backup scheme for your daughters uni data. And everything else irreplaceable.
Drives get dropped. Or just go bad. That leads to a single swear word. But they can be replaced.
Losing a years worth of college work leads to a lot more swearing...:)
I am very surprised that she had not backed it up to the laptop as well, maybe this will be a lesson.

My brother has been telling me that he thinks someone is reading his e-mails as new ones have already been opened before he gets a chance to read them. He is on pre paid and has a dongle that he puts in the computer. Do you think ringing our provider would help sort the problem?
I am very surprised that she had not backed it up to the laptop as well, maybe this will be a lesson.

He or she who has not yet seen a drive die does not realize that 'it just happens'. Things have gotten a lot more reliable lately, but it does happen. Sometimes you have to see it just once to take steps to mitigate the circumstances.

My brother has been telling me that he thinks someone is reading his e-mails as new ones have already been opened before he gets a chance to read them. He is on pre paid and has a dongle that he puts in the computer. Do you think ringing our provider would help sort the problem?

Possible account hack? Change all the passwords.
But the duplicate IP address is troubling, if he's on a 3G dongle or similar. Yes, call the provider and tell them what's happening.

ok will ring them and report it.

Now passwords that need changing? I dont have a dongle and have never used one so how does he change the passwords and which ones.
Does this need to be done through a provider or is there a place to do it when the dongle is inserted?

Password to email and such. Maybe something as simple as an ex-girlfriend/wife found out his password and is reading his mail.