Would this be a good idea for my computer and eventually NAS since i need more storage than what i currently have (80 + 120)?
Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/WD-RE4-2TB-64MB-Cache-SATA3-0Gb-s-3-5-Enterprise-Hard-Drive-FREE-SHIPPING-/111507141020?hash=item19f657f19c:g:qAEAAOSwrx5UWr-E
I noticed that it was a SATA 2 connection. is this a major bottleneck?
Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/WD-RE4-2TB-64MB-Cache-SATA3-0Gb-s-3-5-Enterprise-Hard-Drive-FREE-SHIPPING-/111507141020?hash=item19f657f19c:g:qAEAAOSwrx5UWr-E
I noticed that it was a SATA 2 connection. is this a major bottleneck?