Hard Drive Question

depends on what you are transfering. I usually do any work, video conversion etc on my desktop and then move it to my server (small motherboard with a Celeron Dual core 8GB ram, 7 hard drives (in multiple RAIDs) and running windows 10 and most of the time they are single big files and they saturate my gigabit connection. I wish my board had more than 1 PCIe slot so I could add in either a thunderbold and connect the two PC"s or get 10G Copper cards and connect the two lol my desktop has a SSD and my RAID 0's write at over 200MB a second and Gigabit maxes out at 125 at most but i usually push 80-100MB a second.
1) SATA 2 is not a bottle neck for ANY hard drive as most hard drives can't even max out a SATA I connection still
2) I wouldn't buy a refurbished drive. I would buy a brand new one. will cost you twice as much but less issues, but this guys has good reviews and has sold a LOT of these so that is up to you.

depends on what you are transfering. I usually do any work, video conversion etc on my desktop and then move it to my server (small motherboard with a Celeron Dual core 8GB ram, 7 hard drives (in multiple RAIDs) and running windows 10 and most of the time they are single big files and they saturate my gigabit connection. I wish my board had more than 1 PCIe slot so I could add in either a thunderbold and connect the two PC"s or get 10G Copper cards and connect the two lol my desktop has a SSD and my RAID 0's write at over 200MB a second and Gigabit maxes out at 125 at most but i usually push 80-100MB a second.