Hard-Drive randomly stops working.


Nov 14, 2017
So i have this Samsung 1 TB 5400 RPM HDD for archiving stuff and it has important data on it. The story is one day i was just chilling watching youtube and downloading a game on the hdd, and while sitting i see this error pop up "File location does not exist", i look what's the problem and boom: 2 partitions of mine are gone and missing, the hdd doesn't show up in the device manager, restarting doesn't help, retested cables, tried to boot in the bios of another pc with the hdd, essentially it's gone. Can you help me? There should be a way to fix it, i didn't do anything to it. Thanks.
Yeah no it won't if the drive is not being detected, this utility won't help.
I'd say it's dead from the sound of things and that's just not unusual at all. Sorry for the trouble.

Thanks for the response, i'll try the software it later, for my HDD it's HUTIL because i have a HD103SJ. I supose it will magically detect the HDD, because the BIOS doesn't... but just trying to power on the machine, the hdd makes spining noises but just stops after a while. Thanks again.

Oh, ok.