Hard Drive Running Too Hot?


Oct 26, 2013
Hi, I have a Seagate Barracuda ST3320620AS 7200RPM drive in my system, and my case has pretty bad airflow, it doesn't support a front intake fan to cool the drives, only a side intake and an exhaust. I recently installed a graphics card, which has increased the temps for everything considerably.
I noticed that my HDD is now running hotter than it used to.
It used to run at about 45C, but now after the computer has been on for a bit, just web browsing basically, it is now touching 59C if I don't put my desk fan on the side to cool it. Even with that it is still running at 54C. Is the 59C something I need to worry about? Will it decrease the MBTF or is it built to run that hot?
Thanks in advance.

As I said I can only get a intake on the side, and I am using my desk fan as that and it moves a good amount of air but it only brings the temps down a few degrees. there are no more fans I can get into the system. The only option I can see is to get a new case, which is what I'm going to do but that's not gonna be for a while.
BTW I have the Logisys CS-206 Case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811148044 (it has a place for a front intake fan but it's impossible to get one in because the UNMOVABLE drive cages are in the way.