Hard Drive spiking to 100% when downloading via Steam


Mar 18, 2014
Hello, so I've had this issue on my old hard drive (would go to 100% randomly/downloading or not) so I went out and bought myself a 240GB SSD for windows and a blue WD 2TB hard drive for steam games and I've been having this issue with the hard drive spiking straight to 100% when downloading a game and it causes the download to stop until the hard drive lowers down to 99% and repeats itself.


I've quickly recorded an example of what happens during downloading something via Steam.
You have never paid attention to it, won't bother looking for information like that, but I have monitored it and I know it works this way. After all you download 5gb and suddenly it becomes an 8gb installed game. How does this happen - well steam are one of the best, their optimizations are spectacular. But yeah my older PC would be unable to do anything pretty much while steam was downloading/updating.
This is not a problem actually. This is the way steam works. It downloads some part, then decompresses it and stops downloading while decompressing and this uses hdd. It is not a problem with your hdd or with your apps or with anything, that is just the way steam works.

Not sure if you didn't read of what I had posted or I'm confused, but I have 3 DIFFERENT drives one SSD (240GB with only windows and programs) and one for games (all steam/other games) and the last drive for videos I've recorded to later be rendered etc.

edit; I had posted a YouTube video of heading into my resource monitor and it shows you what's on that hard drive.

I've had Steam for around 4 years and I'm not sure if that's correct, any links you can show about this information? As I've never had it happen, just randomly started since I've gone to windows 10.

You have never paid attention to it, won't bother looking for information like that, but I have monitored it and I know it works this way. After all you download 5gb and suddenly it becomes an 8gb installed game. How does this happen - well steam are one of the best, their optimizations are spectacular. But yeah my older PC would be unable to do anything pretty much while steam was downloading/updating.

I suppose that's correct, I'll watch over it in the next few days and see if anything else is causing it.
Follow the folder which you are downloading into - the moment you stop downloading it will still grow larger - that's because of the decompressing and that is what stresses your HDD. Still I wish steam made an option to limit the HDD usage so my old PC wouldn't die while updating but oh well.