Hard Drive Won't Boot NTFS FILE ERROR


Feb 12, 2013

So I was using my PC last night and the OS became unresponsive.

I couldn't open any programs or windows services. I decided to soft reset and got a message saying no bootable drive. I unplugged my hard drive for a bit and tried again. This time windows attempted to boot but then I received the error "NTFS_FILE_ERROR". Windows then resets and attempts to run auto repair but after a short load I get a black screen... I left the PC on over night and woke up to the same black screen.

I changed my boot priority to dvd drive in an attempt to boot from my windows disk to either run a disk check or format. I restarted and hit boot from disk at which point windows attempts to boot from the hard drive instead (resulting in outcome listed above). The only way I can boot from windows disk is when I disconnect the hard drive. Obviously if I boot from windows disk with no hard drive I cannot run any scans or format because the drive is not recognized unless it is plugged in when I boot.

No idea what's going on... the drive sounds healthy and is recognized by my bios as a boot drive.

May be worth mentioning that I had to RMA 3 times to get a drive that wasn't DOA. This one has been working fine for around a week though.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

OS Windows 10 Insider preview

HDD http://www.ebuyer.com/412335-toshiba-2tb-internal-hard-drive-dt01aca200

Please ask if you need any more info.


Hey there, WestonG!

Seems like you have quite the luck with the HDD! 🙁 Just as @jason3871 mentioned, it's best to test the drive using your manufacturer's diagnostic tool instead of chkdsk. Make sure you check up on the SMART data status and see what is the health of the drive. Here are some third-party suggestions as well: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/282651-32-best-diagnostic-testing-utility
I hope you have a backup of the data because you might need to re-format the drive and see if the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error will proceed. But keep in mind that this would erase everything on it.

Keep us posted!
I've managed to get into windows troubleshooting and ran chkdsk. It said "errors detected in the uppercase file" I ran chkdsk C: /f /r /x. It's at 687 out of 286976 segments with an ETA of 999:00:00... it's checking about one segment every 3 seconds...

Anyone got any input?

If it's a Seagate HDD, download Seatools and give it a run- http://www.seagate.com/in/en/support/downloads/item/seatools-win-master/
Hey there, WestonG!

Seems like you have quite the luck with the HDD! 🙁 Just as @jason3871 mentioned, it's best to test the drive using your manufacturer's diagnostic tool instead of chkdsk. Make sure you check up on the SMART data status and see what is the health of the drive. Here are some third-party suggestions as well: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/282651-32-best-diagnostic-testing-utility
I hope you have a backup of the data because you might need to re-format the drive and see if the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error will proceed. But keep in mind that this would erase everything on it.

Keep us posted!
Thanks for suggestions. I decided to RMA the drive and I'm getting a refund this time. The positive side to all this is that it has pushed me toward buying my first SSD! Gonna get a 250GB 850 EVO for OS and 1TB WD Blue for storage =)