Hard drive won't work after being plugged into smart TV

Father Alan

Dec 12, 2016

I've used a samsung external HDD to record from a Samsung smart TV. I now want to use it on a different Samsung TV but it doesn't show up when plugged in. If I plug it into my laptop it asks me to format it.

I've tried fixes posted elsewhere in the forum but they aren't working. The cmd chkdsk/f comes back saying:

"The first NTFS boot sector is unreadable or corrupt.
Reading second NTFS
boot sector instead.
Unable to determine volume version and state. CHKDSK aborted."

If I go to disk management and try to share the file with everyone it says:

"An error occurred while trying to share E. The volume doesn't contain a recognised file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted."

And I downloaded the linux reader software someone suggested (https://www.diskinternals.com/thanks/linux_reader/), but when I try to use it to open the drive it says:

"Can't open disk: Samsung M3 Portable
Check the disk and try again"

Any ideas what the problem is or how I can get round it? I've got about 200 films recorded on there that I don't want to lose! Thanks in advance.
USB external drives are notorious for becoming corrupted.

At this point I would try using a data recovery program such as THIS one, the free version of data recovery wizard from EaseUS.

Father Alan

Dec 12, 2016

Thanks for the advice. I will give this a try this evening or tomorrow and see how it goes.