[SOLVED] Hard Frame Drops that Started Just Recently


May 24, 2017
So I finally completed building my PC about 4 weeks ago, and just last week, I've started getting these frame drops that happen literally every second that makes most games unplayable.

I was playing CS:GO and I just played a comp game. I joined another, and that's when it started happening. It spread to every single game. In Rust, it's extreme to the point where it makes a tractor noise every time it freezes or lags which is pretty much every half second.

I started looking around on forums and reddit to find a solution to my problem. All I found was simple things like defragging my hard drives (didn't work), looking through BIOS for something that stands out (didn't work), lowering settings in-game (didn't work), checking and watching my temps on everything (was fine), checking my fan settings (was fine), running an anti-virus, Malwarebytes (no threats detected), clearing my registry in CCleaner (didn't work), looked through my Radeon settings (was fine).

Now the only solution I can think of is because I only have 1 stick of 8gb RAM, which I will test soon. Planning on getting these: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB 2666mHz. But if there's any other possible solutions that could be software, I'm open to.

Here's my Windows 10 Pro specs:
X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming Motherboard
Ryzen 5 1600 CPU with a Hyper 212 EVO
8GB RAM DDR4 2400mHz Kingston HyperX
AMD Radeon RX 580
Corsair Builder Series CX600 V2

Thanks for reading!
So make sure all drivers are up to date first and power settings are on max, what were you using to monitor temps? A better RAM kit for you would be this and is only $7 more.
I am checking my Radeon drivers and there was an update 2 days ago. I feel like it has been happening for more than 2 days, but I'll try to update it, and if it doesn't work, I'll try downgrading to the previous version and see if it fixes. And I was using HWMonitor to check my temps. I'll update if I need to.
So make sure all drivers are up to date first and power settings are on max, what were you using to monitor temps? A better RAM kit for you would be this and is only $7 more.
I uninstalled my current graphics drivers and replaced them with the new, and still getting the frame drops. Then I uninstalled that and installed a previous version, and it didn't fix it. I'm just really really confused because my PC was working perfectly fine up until the past few days. So if it is my RAM, I'm gonna be quite confused as to how it started having a problem so suddenly.