Hardware don't work

When i insert my software disk it says not compatible with 64 bit. The device manager shows the hardware and will even test it but the disk wont run.
According to Microsoft it is not compatible with Windows 7 x32 or x64 bit. You might get it to work with the default Windows 7 usb controller drivers but that is it. The software that came with your stick will not work and Microsoft has no Windows 7 drivers for download for that stick.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826102203 is an alternative that is compatable with windows 7 64 bit.


I know it's crappy about your percision 2, but at least you can get a joystick that works for less than $20. Of course something like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826104327 would be so freaking sweet... bit expensive though.

Also, if you put any hardware name into the search bar you will be able to determine it's compatability with Windows 7 with a few clicks :)