Hardware problem detected, please help !


Feb 10, 2018
Baaically I built my first PC today and everything was going great playing PUBG etc and then I decided to install the drivers for my Mother board off the official website and am not saying that’s the cause of the problem but since then I just get the BSOD after 10mins of starting my PC.

I have down the Windows memory diagnostic test and it says hardware failure detected contact manufacturer, but my ram it literally 1 day old and was 100% a couple of hours ago.

I have also reset the CMOS by short circuiting the motherboard and resetting the bios but the same thing happens over as over again I am only getting 10mins before it crashes. Previously I was on for hours with no problems. Please can someone help

I now have tried memtest and to my delight there are 65000 errors, I tried one stick at a time etc and it basically halved to around 30-35000. With the sticks being so new like ther only arrived yesterday could that be the problem (already getting them replaced) or is there more to it like my motherboard ?
Update, went to bed and got up and tried some other methods, let the system rest and swapped the ram sticks around. To my absolute surprise my system didnt crash after me doing work and even playing a game. I tried to aviod doing the memtest encase it broke my heart but I ran it anyway and got 0 errors. How can you go from 65,000 to 0 with a matter of swapping the sticks around? Hopefully the errors stay away now and I will do daily checks.
Error came back again and it was between the 14th and 16th gb so it was in my second ram stick. New ram arrived today straight put out of the box tested and all seems to be good so far.