

Jan 22, 2012
Have read numerous questions and answers regarding unallocated drives and can't seem to identify my issue.
Recently did a rebuild due to a bad motherboard. The original mb was a Gigabyte GA7N400 pro v2 and the replacement mb is the same model but v1.
The system uses sata channel 1 as the OS, and a second hard drive (master) and CD/DVD (slave) run off the mb IDE 1. There are two more IDE hdds on a controller on PCI slot 3.

The rebuild was bench tested and everything worked fine, but when the 2 controller hdds were plugged into the PCI slot, the system boot message reads Non System Disk and will not boot. When the two are unplugged the system boots and works fine.

This system was working great with the v2 mb, and the set up is the same now, except with a v1 mb and no controller hdds.
The two drives read as unallocated on other systems and there is no option to partition them, only properties and help.

Thanks for any response


Jan 22, 2012
Yes, that is necessary to adjust the BIOS and load the proper SI drives to get a sata drives to read in Windows.
The OS hdd is a sata on channel 1, the system will boot, but without the two controller hdds hooked up
Like I said, this system worked fine with the v2 mb

I have a sister system with the same v1 board and it's pushing 4 controller IDE hdds as well as the OS sata hdd and a second hdd on IDE 1, with no problems