has anyone else had problems playing blu-ray discs lately

up until a few weeks ago, i had no problems playing blu-ray disks on my PC with win 7 & VLC

all of a sudden it wouldn't play a couple of 4k Ultra blu-ray disks and i figured it was just the coding on the newer 4k disks but then i went to play a couple of regular blu-ray movies (2012 and 2014 releases) and no love?

i don't know - haven't copied them to any drive, just trying to view the movies from the disk

PS - just used MakeMKV to copy to SSD, and no love. Deleted VLC and downloaded fresh copy, and again, no love

tried some program, UFUWare - and it will play but this software is like DVDFab - ie crapware. Un-installed it as soon as i was through


Hi! Not sure if your problem is fixed or not, if You got it to play with dvdfab then blu ray player is good! If You have this pc hooked to the internet I would say Sony has feed your pc with it's own crap ware so the disks won't play! There is free blu ray online players, but they are crap! There is a few players that You have to pay like 60 to 100 dollars for their software, but once You buy it's Yours so if You watch a lot of movies it might be worth a looksy! here is a few websites~~ http://www.windvdpro.com/en/ ~~ http://www.cyberlink.com/stat/edms/affiliate/Purch/PDVD.jsp?affid=2581_-1_857 ~~
These work pretty good and I believe You can Try these before You buy so You can see if They solve Your problem before You Buy! Hope This Helps You Bud!
as an update, after un-installing the UFU crapware, MakeMKV would only copy blu-ray disks as .m2ts files, but they wouldn't play where they used to with no issue.

Tried VLC update, no love and looking into the VLC forums saw a lot of folks with the same issue, and tried some of the recommended fixes - no love

then i found that after saving or copying a disk using MakeMKV, if i re-copied it from the hard drive it was on to another drive, it would convert them to MKV files - but to do that i'd have to "open" the "os or ofdata" file at the bottom of the BDMV folder. Then Handbrake would render them down to a size i wanted.

then a few days ago, after the latest MakeMKV update came out, i noticed when MakeMKV copied a BD disk, after reading it, it lists the different files, with usually one showing 25-30GB and a few others showing 20-200 MB (approx) which i believe are previews, trailers or "directors" comments.

I uncheck the smaller ones, and sure enough it copies the major file, which is the movie file, copying it directly into a MKV file, but oddly, in the title it will describe "xxxxx_TS" or "xxxxx_TS01" (where "XXXX" is the actual movie title). When i open properties, it shows it to be a .mkv file.

So all's good now. Plus on my main desktop, it now plays BD disks it would not before. So something's going on - it may be as ronpar stated, sony had somehow corrupted my computer's ability to play BD disks.