Well, as promised on above post, i here by describing my first OC process. I reduced the HT Multiplier down to 3x and change RAM clockspeed down to 200mhz but i'm still confused about ram divider as ram for AM2 is DDR2(200, 233, 333 and 400). So off i went changing the HT Frequency from 200 upto 230 and 225 at this Freq prime95 crashed and complained hardware error rounding was 0.5 expected below 0.4. I managed to get the comp stable about 220mhz but didn't go like 221,222...224. And the temp was about 41C. So what should i do now? I can't change the VDIMM since my motherboard doesn't offer this feature so i guess there is nothing i can do about this. However i can change CPU voltage!
One more thing, should i decrese the CPU multiplier (1x-11x) from the start?