Question Has anyone used enmotus fuzedrive on a SSHD drive? Is it good?

Jul 6, 2019
Hi all, has anyone used enmotus fuzedrive on a SSHD drive + SSD? Is it good? Has it worked? Thanks.
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There is no way I'd use that on any drive configuration.

A pseudo RAID, using the SSD as a cache for the rest of it.
Current prices are such that it is easily feasible to go SSD only anyway.
And if you really need multi TB in your desktop and SSD's of that size are too expensive, the things that end up in the HDD don't need that speed anyway. Your large music and video libraries don't run any faster.
My current drive configuration:
Thanks for the response, I'm in Brazil, SSD's aren't cheaper for me, I was thinking to use fuzedrive to speed up game loading, I also heard that SSHD has short life span, was thinking to use fuzedrive just in a HD+SSD, but you gave me a good idea, the price of a 1TB SSD is almost the same as a SSHD and fuzedrive (without the problem to manage the data to install them), it would cost me R$700,00. thanks!