Question Has my GTX 1080 finally died?


Aug 2, 2012
Hi y'all,
So the other night while gaming I noticed my Asus GTX 1080 Turbo was making more noise than usual in a portion of the game (fallout 4) that is normal not that graphics intensive...also to mention I'm not running the game at Max settings.

Fast forward two days and I go to jump on the pc, it comes on, boots, but no pre-windows mobo screen and no windows login screen. Bit weird so i hard reset...same thing again. I try a hard shut-down and power up...same thing, although this time I put my windows login code in, hit the windows key, type "spot", hit enter, wait a second a day hit space bar and music! This is when the Penny dropped...the pc is running, windows is fine, audio output is fine, but no video output...
The card is 7 years old and has been used almost every day from the start so I'm not completely surprised, but if anyone has any ideas on how to check to see if it definitely is the gpu, it would be greatly appreciated!
To test if your GPU is toast is easy:
* Take out your GPU from the PC, completely.
* Connect monitor to MoBo and look if you get an image.

If you do, GPU is toast.
If you don't and there aren't still no image, something else is toast.
Can confirm. video output from Mobo. Looks like im up for a new one!

Thanks for the help!
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