Has my HDD failed?


Jul 6, 2015
Last Saturday, my pc was very laggy then suddenly it gave me a BSOD which then followed up by "disc read error press alt ctrl and del". After I did some research, it says that my HDD might be spoiled but when I did a check disc ,I didn't encounter any problem and SMART did not show any error too, then the following days,my pc was still very laggy

After a few days,I can't boot into windows and even system repair center can't fix it too.
So is my HDD spoiled?

Yes, I fully agree with what rforce says. Chkdisk can often finish off a dying hard disk. You may still be able to clone with ddrescue as mentioned in the tutorial that rforce posted.
It certainly sounds like your hard drive may be failing. In the future, you should avoid running chkdsk on a drive that isn't fully backed up. I wrote a blog on my company website explaining why (http://www.recoveryforce.com/is-it-safe-to-run-chkdsk/).

But, as to how to handle your current situation. It would be wise to start by getting a full sector-by-sector clone of your drive. I recommend using a linux program called ddrescue. There is a good guide on how to do this posted on another forum (https://www.data-medics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=133). By getting a clone of the drive, you accomplish a few things such as backing up your data, testing every sector for read errors and providing a stable environment on which you can try to recover and/or fix your files.

As always, if your data is important to you and you are unsure of what you are doing, I recommend having your drive assessed by a data recovery professional before any further damage is caused.