Rafael Mestdag :
I mean, on one side we, the old school pc users(old ppl or not), more concerned with hardware details such as the cpu and the kind of ram or overclocking etc...and on the other side, most users who are the common, everyday users, more concerned with Youtube and Facebook and work and homework than the techy side of pc's?
Is this what Windows 10 has basically done once and for all and will continue doing in the long run?
The same could be said for cars. One group wants to keep using cars with no computerized bits and bobs, other side doesn't care as long as its reliable and runs
Technology becomes easier to use for everyone as it matures. PC still has a long way to mature until its at the stage where what box looks like and its color are the only things that count.
I don't see a division, it means more people are using them, just not all for same reasons. If the 2nd group didn't exist, there wouldn't be as much new stuff for the 1st group to get to grips with.
Of your 2 categories, I sit on the fence. I don't mind a PC that just works, and yet I know a little more than the people in group 2.