Has Win10 divided pc users into 2 groups: "Us The Knowledgeable and nostalgic" and then the "everyday common, modern user"?

Rafael Mestdag

Mar 25, 2014
I mean, on one side we, the old school pc users(old ppl or not), more concerned with hardware details such as the cpu and the kind of ram or overclocking etc...and on the other side, most users who are the common, everyday users, more concerned with Youtube and Facebook and work and homework than the techy side of pc's?

Is this what Windows 10 has basically done once and for all and will continue doing in the long run?
Computers have become so much easier to build or even own in the last 40+ years. In beginning you had to build own or from a kit... that was before i jumped in, 1st computer I used regularly was an Apple iie that a friends family owned. That was 1 generation after the 1st Apple they sold in kits. We later got one for ourselves but it wasn't an Apple... I skipped most of the teething period of PC for most of the 90's so getting one in 1999, most of the codecs were nailed down and DX had fixed the need to fight with games to get them to work. Its just become easier since to point some people want Windows to go away... those who don't know what was there before, don't know what they are throwing away.

You want to use old modems? Are you...

Yes, but you have to admit that PC's have been getting easier and easier to use and more and more popular. The more popular pc's get the easier to use and the less need for the techy side of things. Wouldn't you guys agree? That's the way Windows and software developers in general have been going at least since the mid 90's.

The same could be said for cars. One group wants to keep using cars with no computerized bits and bobs, other side doesn't care as long as its reliable and runs

Technology becomes easier to use for everyone as it matures. PC still has a long way to mature until its at the stage where what box looks like and its color are the only things that count.

I don't see a division, it means more people are using them, just not all for same reasons. If the 2nd group didn't exist, there wouldn't be as much new stuff for the 1st group to get to grips with.

Of your 2 categories, I sit on the fence. I don't mind a PC that just works, and yet I know a little more than the people in group 2.

Windows 10? No. It's been this way for years. Probably starting with Windows 95.

I guess I'm also sort of in-between the two groups, I loved to play online using those old noisy modems of the mid nineties, but I much prefer the way things are so much easier now in every respect when it comes to PC's. I also loved those old, difficult games of back then, but I still prefer the easier and much more realistic games of today that came in the wake of the new generation of pc users. I'm proud of my above average knowledge of pc's these days but at the same time you don't need to be a complete geek like in the olden days.
Computers have become so much easier to build or even own in the last 40+ years. In beginning you had to build own or from a kit... that was before i jumped in, 1st computer I used regularly was an Apple iie that a friends family owned. That was 1 generation after the 1st Apple they sold in kits. We later got one for ourselves but it wasn't an Apple... I skipped most of the teething period of PC for most of the 90's so getting one in 1999, most of the codecs were nailed down and DX had fixed the need to fight with games to get them to work. Its just become easier since to point some people want Windows to go away... those who don't know what was there before, don't know what they are throwing away.

You want to use old modems? Are you well? I never want to have a slow connection again, I don't miss the noise a dial up modem makes, I don't miss trying to download a 40mb file in 4 hours without the time limit on my session running out.

I understand nostalgia but some things like dial up deserve to be left in the past :)

Graphics isn't everything, but not many have worked that out yet. Games need to be fun as well. I can't wait until all games are photo realistic so the makers have to use something else to get people to buy their honey traps full of loot crates. I remember when we had no patches, no dlc,. if game was bad at release you had to deal with that, or wait for a expansion.. Now they release blank DVD or empty boxes or just a launcher, and fix the problems after release. That just begs for laziness. And people buy it as they don't know any better.