Haswell Viability as a Mid Range Gaming PC


May 3, 2015
I have a semi-old Haswell build, parts at the end, that I have been thinking about upgrading. I have been having an occasional issue with it, but otherwise, she is a tank. Should I keep her or consider an upgrade? I use her for the occasional word processing or school project, but she is mostly modded, mildly to heavily, RPGs, and MMORPGs.

Current: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/DalisMagnus/saved/JwRcCJ
Note: She is probably approaching 3-4 years of age or more as of right now
That's still pretty good system, could go for a 1070 GPU and call t fine for at least another couple of years games wise. for the rest of usage even 10% of that system should be good for many years if not forever.