[SOLVED] have a green horizontal line on monitor


Jun 16, 2017
soo i had a green line on my monitor few months ago . but it was resolved on its own after few days but i was out of station for 2 months and today when i turned on my pc i saw the green lines came back.... but these arent static line they are more like animating , i mean the lines are moving ... here are some pictures

green line : https://gyazo.com/b7e6ffb851890bbee2797ea9087d032b

another green line which comes : https://gyazo.com/39b3e3a219946b17d8e11ad7f76ce57a

but STRANGELY the green lines disappear on a white backgroun : https://gyazo.com/eca5f51e4f859e44ec622fdf162d6523

please help