Have i damaged my GPU?


Mar 13, 2016
Ok so i'm not really a PC expert. I heard that overclocking can damage your hardware. My question is how do i know if i damaged? And i did damaged or not? My temperatures were like 65 celsius and i didn't overclock much. Like 100+ to memory and 150+ to core.
Can you exactly tell which Model Of GPU you are overclocking with?
If after overclocking the tempratures stay below 75c then you are good to go.
Also you dont particularly need to overclock a GPU, most of the GPUs from manufacturers come factory overclocked.

Oh yeah im stupid. I dont need to overclock LOL. I have MSI OC GTX 960.
And also i don't think i have damaged my GPU.
Because my resolution and my processor, i thought that i damaged my computer, because GPU usage isnt high, and drop and causing FPS drops sometimes.
But when im like in solo i get 95% gpu usage.