Have someone build my PC?


Oct 14, 2014
Hey Guys I have a question for you all today. I was wondering if there was a reliable way to buy all my parts then have a place build it for a reasonable fee. I see that on NCIX, if you buy all your parts from them they will build it for $50 and they have price match on parts. But the issue with that is, they may not have all the parts that I need.

Here is my budget build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/cT4kyc

I was wondering if you guys have any advice for me! Thanks!
It doesn't hurt to ask them for a quote, sometimes when you call in person you can get a discount. Personally save yourself the money and learn to do it yourself, otherwise you are reliant on having someone else fix all you PC related problems which will cost you time and money. I have had harder times building Lego structures than putting together a PC there are tons of resources to teach you as well. you have the world at your fingertips, learn to use it.
I'm totally confident you can do a little reading and build it yourself and not be limited to what someone else's services offer. There's a HUGE sense of satisfaction in doing it yourself and you'll be able to repair it if something goes wrong with it.later down the road. AND you can put the money you'd pay someone else to build it towards getting slightly better parts for your rig.

It's a WIN/WIN for YOU!!

Thanks guys but along with the build they offer a 1 year repair for all parts! I know that I CAN put it together, but for the extra 50 dollars I don't get DOA parts, I get good wiring(according to reviews), and I get my OS installed for me! I just see it as a small fee to do that. Here is the NCIX prices compared to the others: http://gyazo.com/5604713bca64d8c8c9438048c39e490e. It is only 30 dollars more.