Question Have to restet ram and hold down start button to be able to start hp laptop

Jun 15, 2023
Hp laptop acting crazy. It restarts fine, but when i shut down and try to start laptop it just cycles and nothing happens. I have to take out ram , unplug, take out battery and hold start button for about 1 min, then i re-install ram put battery back in then it starts. I have updated the bios to the latest. Have all the drivers , checked the heat, its running about 80 degrees f . I took whole laptop apart, cleaned out vents, put new thermal grease on cpu and gpu, installed new battery , tried 3 different power supplies, but still does the same thing. I have built many laptops and computers , never came across this issue. Im thinking something is wrong with the motherboard. Just doesnt make sense why would it restart fine, but when shutting down and trying to start it just cycles. Has nothing to do with op system, because without hard drive in it would do the same thing. I Would appreciate any help
I have to take out ram , unplug, take out battery and hold start button for about 1 min, then i re-install ram put battery back in then it starts.
This is an indication of either your laptop building up static charge or you have a grounding issue, when you're having to discharge the laptop, with you've mentioned. Yes what you're doing is discharging residual/excess power.

Try relocating to another wall outlet in your abode.