I have an Asus ZenBook with Windows 10. Recently, every time I open my computer and/or try to connect to WiFi, it loads and loads and eventually it connects, but says "No Internet, Secured" and the yellow triangle with the '!' appears in the taskbar and WiFi screen. I used to turn my computer off and on again until it worked, but eventually realized I could use Network Troubleshooter to fix the issue, but it doesn't fix the problem totally, just that session. So, when I close my laptop and open it again an hour later, I have to go through the whole process again. I will attach a PDF of the Network Troubleshooter diagnostics with what it does when it temporarily fixes the problem (the WiFi I wa trying to connect to was "Nairn"). Sometimes it offers potential solutions, but usually they say "Automatically connect to *WiFi name* in the future" which, to me, doesn't sound like the right solution (although I have tried it and it hasn't helped). Please help me understand how to fix this because it is extremely frustrating and I just want to throw my laptop across my house. Thanks!
https://imgur.com/a/0U9wG <- Here is the network troubleshooter diagnostics report.
https://imgur.com/a/0U9wG <- Here is the network troubleshooter diagnostics report.