Having a different IP address for each Web browser?


Aug 12, 2012
Ok I'm trying to figure out if I can have each web browser with a different Ip address.

For instance If I am running FireFox and Chrome at the same time Is there a way for them to have different Ip address?

I looked into Proxies and Vpns but I would think that is Pc wide correct?

What about using something like Vmware and running one browser on my main computer and one in Vmware could I then have two separate Ip address, on for each browser?

I'm sorry if my question is dumb I am usually really good with tech, I have built my own pcs and done some web design and lua but I have never ever ever messed with networking other then just plugging my modem and router in.. The most i've done with networking is port forwarding and making a static Ip address..

Thank you.
Yes that will work BUT it must be a program that always uses the proxy settings. Many times things like video streaming launch applications that directly open port other than 80 or 443. Many game programs appear to run in the browser using flash but are actually opening their own connections. There also is a small handful of applications that try to help you out read the proxy settings from the machine. The mistake they always make is they assume everyone uses IE and that is the only setting that matters.

We use proxy at work (to prevent direct internet access) and I keep different browser set to different ones that are in different countries mostly so I will see any issues before users call but it does come in handy things...
Depends what you mean IP address. You likely could get it to work with vmware since you can build virtual nics with differnet mac address.

So for things within you house you could likely do this but I can't see the purpose. Now if you mean actual IP from the ISP that is much more unlikely since you would have to first pay them for the second IP and then do the hard part of figuring out how to make NAT work properly.

Now you could actually use 2 proxy by manually setting different ones in each browser and I suppose if you get very ambitious you could even buy 2 vpn services. VPN would get very messy though since there are issues running 2 behind nat and now you have the same issue as someone with 2 ISP on the same machine. You would have to set routes by hand so the machine knew which ip blocks to send on one path and which on the other.


So if I set up Firefox or Chrome to connect through a proxy its only for that browser? I don't know much about proxies I assumed you internet connection in general went through the proxy not just the browser..

Basically I have two accounts on some site and I want to be able to be connected to both accounts at once on two different browsers and the Ip address not be the same for both accounts.. Yes I know that sounds shady but its not something like omg thats a horrible thing your doing I don't think anyone would care but I would rather be safe.
Yes that will work BUT it must be a program that always uses the proxy settings. Many times things like video streaming launch applications that directly open port other than 80 or 443. Many game programs appear to run in the browser using flash but are actually opening their own connections. There also is a small handful of applications that try to help you out read the proxy settings from the machine. The mistake they always make is they assume everyone uses IE and that is the only setting that matters.

We use proxy at work (to prevent direct internet access) and I keep different browser set to different ones that are in different countries mostly so I will see any issues before users call but it does come in handy things like the Olympics is running and various countries have ip block restrictions.