Having a hard time choosing PC case...


Aug 9, 2012
Im looking for a budget gaming case that has great airflow.

Here are my picks:
1. Zalman Z11 Plus
2. Antec Three Hundred v2
3. Fractal Design Core 3000

Which to choose and why? Please post pros and cons. Maybe you can suggest some other good cases with exellent airflow 😉
Unless you have 2 overclock gtx680s or a VERY overclocked CPU with altered voltages, these will all cool exactly the same.

We are pushing the 200r because is it better built, more sturdy, and has the best cable management (most important factor)

What is the diffrence between the 200R and the 300R?

I would argue that the NZXT 410 would be best, if he can afford it. The white version is presently selling at $80:http://www.outletpc.com/ya4644.html?utm_source=ya4644&utm_medium=shopping%2Bengine&utm_campaign=pcpartpicker&utm_content=@@BRAND@@%2B-%2B@@CATEGORY@@

Edit: Source of said opinion: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/solo-ii-400r-buc-ravager-seiran,3274-10.html

This is also a good case for the money.

If he wants to go cheaper, the 200r is still the best option around $60.

Nah... Here in Sweden that case is a bit expensive for my budget case build

Ah. Fair enough. I'm afraid that I don't know much about the price differences in Scandinavia, so I won't be of any use.

We are fully in agreement.

I just have 2 last questions. Does the 200R run cooler then the Antec 300 v2 and does it support large gfx cards? (planning on installing 7870 xt, i currently have a 6850)
My head is going to explode. The Antec seems to run the coolest. You guys are pushing 200R and alot of people say that the Core 3000 is way better than the antec case though IMO it seems to have worse airflow...

Thx ill go with the 200R... just seems strange that it doesnt have top dust filters...

I have never understood why... Doesnt make sense for me. The Top is like the dustiest place on the case... i think. But I guess the 200R takes care of that because it has a rear exhaust fan right?