Having issues loading Windows.


Jan 7, 2015
I'm having issues launching Windows 7 on a new Asus Sabertooth 990fx 2.0 mobo with an AMD 8350 PCU. After going through the BIOS and selecting the boot priority to be my HDD, it attempts to launch windows. After bringing up the loading screen it will flash, then tell me it failed to start because a new hardware was implemented (obviously). It asks to run startup repair or start windows nnormally (which ends up in a loop). Startup repair has been running for a while now so I'm not sure if it's even doing anything. Any help would be appreciated, for I would rather not have to wipe my HDD.
I'm not entirely sure if it's OEM or not. I bought the computer from a friend who was moving away about a year ago and decided to upgrade some parts recently. Which brings up another issue which is that I don't have a copy of windows so if I were to wipe the HDD I would need to purchase a new copy of windows as well.

Is this what I'm going to have to do?
If it helps, when the screen flashes before it asks to run the restore, there is a brief glimpse of a blue screen. I also tried running the pc in safe mode and it still won't start. Bios loads fine so I don't think the motherboard is bad.