Having issues with my new GTX 1080 ti, lower FPS than everyone else!

Sep 13, 2018
I'm hoping someone can offer some assistance with my unfortunate struggle to run my 1080 ti at frames closer to others. Running BF1 on ultra yeilds 90-100 Fps at 1440p and on high settings max i get its 115 and that tends to dip to around 100. This is with overclocks on both cpu and gpu. fps is lower with stock settings. My specs are below, even with the same cpu combo it seems others attain frames in at least the 140's. My old 1070 would get these frames. I have tried adjusting power management, nvidia controls, and even reinstalled windows. Any input would be appreciated!

Ryzen 5 1600 clocked at 3.9 ghz
gtx 1080 ti asus strix 150 core 400 mem
8GB (2 x4gb) Team Group Delta Ram
750w Gold EVGA semi mod
250gb nvme ssd 960 evo
250 gb intel ssd
seagate 1 tb harddrive
240mm aio by deepcool

Temps are low, gpu and cpu never exceed 60 degrees.

Forgot to mention. Yes I updated bios last week. And i also set the ram at the proper rated speed of 3000 in setting. its also confirmed running in dual channel.
is your psu old or new? capacitor aging plays a role if its really old its less efficient dust and temps can throttle things to am assuming you have all the power plugs plugged in. also is very possible is a driver issue

psu is brand new bought it the same time as the gpu.

Likely the CPU is bottlenecking the GPU.

BF1 is a CPU intensive game.

And what you are getting is right on the money FPS wise with that CPU at 1440P.

If you want more FPS you need to upgrade to a 1700 or 1700X and also upgrade to 16 GB of memory.
Still not content with the 1600 being a bottleneck as I've watched benchmarks online with the same CPU/gpu combo and on Ulta they were getting around 130. On ultra I get only 102 to 109 fps.
With only 8GB of RAM, you may be seeing your system slowing down as it has to manage it's memory more.


yes but at one point i was getting 130 fps with windows 8.1. i just went to windows 10 with all same settings and now get 90fps. i just reset all cpu and gpu overclocking and now get 75-90 fps on ultra. honestly it makes no sense for a ti to be performing that way.