Having many issues with the ps4


May 20, 2018
So far I have noticed a few issues when I was playing with the ps4. One which i noticed was when I was playing ff15, which was the game textures not loading and crashing when I press the ps button.

Then I noticed this happening with other apps too. Then what I noticed was when ever this happens the ps4 has a white light and the power button does nothing, I mean it would make the beep noise but doesn't turn of the ps.

Then the last thing that happened was the screen just vanishing and going black while the psn store was loading.

I really have no idea on how to even begin to alove this issue.

Edit: I just got hit with the NP-36006-5 error and I was told the best fix was to delete user and create another. Dunno if that would fix my other issues but will keep posted.
I think you should probably restore the PS4 to factory defaults
It's not as bad as it sounds, you can back up your saves to PS Plus, or put them on a USB flash drive
Purchases made from the PlayStation Store like games, addons, and themes are still kept and available to download when you sign in after restoring the PS4
Basically everything on the PS4 can be backed up, just backup your saves to the PS Plus storage or to a USB flash drive, anything else that you can put on a USB, and then restore the PS4
Once you've restored the PS4, you can download your saves from PS Plus or get them off the USB flash drive, download games, addons, and themes, install disc games, all that stuff, and that's pretty much it 😛
If you need any help, let me know

so i tried to do your method, but when i got home to do so and turned on my ps4 it crashed and i wouldnt, so i opted to innitialize it, as it pretty much does what u told me to with some extra steps. but then i was slapped with this error code ce-30781-9 and now im stumped.

yeah this is what i am thinking too. im gonna have to replace the hard drive and then if this keeps happening i haven a clue