Having Some Compatibility Problems in My New Build


Jul 26, 2017
So i'm looking at building my first PC during the fall of this year but i have a couple questions about the compatibility of my parts.

My parts list: My parts list

The biggest problem I'm having is ram clearance. I'm worried that it wont fit with the top radiator that I have picked out. I really want to use the Corsair Dominator ram kit but I think its too tall for me to fit it in the Crystal 460X with the H100i V2 + SP120 RGB fans. Does anybody know if i could fit them in? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Yes it will fit, I had the same problem when I was choosing a case and was torn between 3 cases, which included the one you're getting, obviously I went for the wrong one first time around as always, got the game max...

Yes it will fit, I had the same problem when I was choosing a case and was torn between 3 cases, which included the one you're getting, obviously I went for the wrong one first time around as always, got the game max oynx first, the radiator mount was slap bang in the middle of the top of the case, and I couldnt get it in, had to put it at the front of the case whilst waiting for a replacement case to be delivered, so I was now torn between the other 2 choices, Thermaltake View 31 or the 460X, if you have a look at the pictures for the case you are buying, the top radiator mounts are off-set to one side, same as my View 31 that I went for, this is like that to allow clearance for larger ram heatsinks, sorry for going on a bit.

Just one thing I did notice on your build, if you are getting a Z270 mobo, get a 7700K CPU, otherwise stick with the 6700K CPU and get a Z170 motherboard instead which may save you some money.