[SOLVED] Having trouble installing nanominer on Ubuntu 20.04 (tar.gz)

Apr 7, 2021
Hey I'm having trouble installing nanominer which is compatible with linux (https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/releases), it's a tar.gz file and has an exe. I've tried using WineHQ to run the exe, and I've tried using terminal to install the tar.gz using ./configure but it would just say No such file or directory, anyone has any idea how to install nanominer, Any help is appreciated, thanks
This is native Linux application, not Windows, so you don't use WineHQ to run it.
The way a lot of Linux apps are distributed is just like that - in source form, and you are supposed to build it yourselves.

So, the way to do it is (after you extract the .tgz file), from a shell prompt: Just type "./configure", followed by "make", and probably "make install". Of course, there are some prerequisites your system must follow, like having gcc, make etc installed.
This is native Linux application, not Windows, so you don't use WineHQ to run it.
The way a lot of Linux apps are distributed is just like that - in source form, and you are supposed to build it yourselves.

So, the way to do it is (after you extract the .tgz file), from a shell prompt: Just type "./configure", followed by "make", and probably "make install". Of course, there are some prerequisites your system must follow, like having gcc, make etc installed.