Having trouble with my newly purchased monitor ASUS vs247h


Aug 12, 2011
So I just purchased my new monitor.
And it nice and works nice, but I have one major problem with it. When I'm in a game (I've tried it so far in league of legends, and new wolfenstein game) and I look at one point without moving it looks very smooth. But once I start to move my mouse around and look or move and basically look from point a to point b everything starts to look very edgy and detailed. It is very noticeable and it only stops happening if I don't move or look around. But basically all the details are much sharper than they are suppose to be and very edgy.

It has been 6 years since I bough my last monitor and my previous one has never done it. And I am not sure what to do about it. I could gladly provide more info but I can't seem to capture a screenshot because it does the same thing with pictures. If I move it around it's edgy. If it's still it's nice and smooth.

I hope somebody knows what is causing this problem. Thanks for reading.
Yes full 1080
GeForce GTX 760
16GB Ram
i7-4770k CPU @3.50GHz
I plugged an hdmi cable into it. I have tried all other different cables and have been getting the same thing.