Having what seems to be resolution problems


Jan 4, 2013
Well, I'm not really sure what the issue is here. What's happening is, when I start a game full screen it seems to be changing the resolution, but not height x width, but buy changing it from 1080p to 1080i, atleast I think. That is just my guess as I really have no Idea what is happening, all I know is everything looks really strange after it happens, most notably the text.


After Issue Occurs

I just built a new system and was hoping that I wouldn't have this issue, as I was also having it with my other set up. Since its happened on both systems, I'm guessing that it has something to do with the TV I'm using as a monitor. I'm using a 42" Dynex. Also both systems used an nVidia card, but the last one was a laptop and this build is using a 670.

I don't really know what the issue is and it's making it really difficult to try to find answers. Thanks for your time.


Jan 4, 2013
Yeah, and also the colors are a little off. It's really hard to see it in a picture. Try to think of it as being a lower resolution that is getting scaled up, and everything just looks jagged and bad, until I reset it.

I'm gonna try testing with just a regular computer monitor, and see if that fixes the issue, hopefully not though since I've grown accustom to my big screen.


TV's aren't really built for high resolutions, whereas monitors are. My own tv is a 32" LG which I run at 1366x768 because the higher resolution is too pixelated. To me the second picture looks the more accurate of the two.

Have you tried changing the refresh rate in your computer's display properties? I sometimes find the display drivers force a refresh rate of 25Hz, which blurs the image, instead of the 59/60Hz which monitors revel in.


Nov 18, 2005
A rule to stick too, is match the 'native panel resolution' to the output resolution of your graphics card.
eg. 1440x900 display should be feed with 1440x990
Then use features Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display then scale the text windows to fit what your comfort level is.
Also use the 'ClearType' feature.
the hard bit is the custom text size (DPI) for best font display quality (quality is fairly subjective) this should match the DPI of you screen, other wise you will see sort-of-blurred edges to text as the size of the pixel outputted by the graphics card will be slightly different size the the pixel of the screen.
Pixel of course can only be fully on or fully off, you cannot have half a pixel. Half a pixel will be rendered by the displays processor as a Low luminance (not the best description but close enough to make the point) full pixel, giving the appearance of soft edges, or blurring.