hd 4870 x2 Help!


Sep 7, 2013
Ok, let me start of with:

AMD Phenom II quad core 3.2 ghz
4 gig ddr2 RAM
1000w Cooler Master PSU
ASUS M4A785-M Mobo
Windows XP 32-bit

Issue is windows doesn't recognize the card. On boot 3 LEDs come on and stay on. I thought the issue was not enough power as I was running a 500w Thermaltake PSU, but I just got the 1000w today and it's still not working. I've upated Catalyst drivers and still the only graphics card recognized is the hd 4200 built into my Mobo....and yes, I've disabled it to see of that would work and it didn't (the mobo is also crossfire capable). I get no signal if I plug my DVI cable into the 4870 x2. The card is seated properly. The LEDs lit are labeled R753, R724, and R019. I can't find any information on what they mean.

I know I'm a few years behind the times, but I'm not that big of a gamer and this card is more than enough for WoT. Help please!!