HD 5770, black screen on boot, please help.

Edward Wyles

Feb 8, 2014
Ok, so power cycling the machine about 8-10 times fixes the problem, and I finally get a boot. The one time I saw a BSOD it was complaining about a driver initialisation timeout.

The computer seems to be booting just fine, and once I'm in to windows, I don't have any problems, I can even run a full furmark burn in test and it's fine, so this leads me to think it's not the hardware.

By the way, this seems to have only been happening since I installed the omega driver (14.12), but after uninstalling it and using driver sweeper in safe mode and rolling back to 14.4, which was previously stable, I am still experiencing this isssue.

CPU:i5 4690K
Mobo: Asus H81M-PLUS
GPU: ATI HD 5770
PSU: Akasa ES 550W

Can somebody please help me, I'm considering just buying a new GPU (this one is 4 years old), but I'd like to hold off on that for at least a few months.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Does this black screen happen before or after the system post?

The 5770's have 2 DVI ports, maybe try the other one.

It is also not a bad idea to remove the card and reinsert it into the slot in case you have dirt or corrosion on the contacts.

Removing and reinstalling kind of cleans it by running the contacts on each other when removing and reinserting(an eraser on the card end will do this too, but trying to clean the slot on the board is another story all together) . I have seen cards have trouble that a quick reseat like this fixes and I even had a 5870 stuck in x1 mode once(fluke I would guess).

You can replug the power cable too, but normally the card will made a huge fuss if you are not powering it.
Does this black screen happen before or after the system post?

The 5770's have 2 DVI ports, maybe try the other one.

It is also not a bad idea to remove the card and reinsert it into the slot in case you have dirt or corrosion on the contacts.

Removing and reinstalling kind of cleans it by running the contacts on each other when removing and reinserting(an eraser on the card end will do this too, but trying to clean the slot on the board is another story all together) . I have seen cards have trouble that a quick reseat like this fixes and I even had a 5870 stuck in x1 mode once(fluke I would guess).

You can replug the power cable too, but normally the card will made a huge fuss if you are not powering it.
Well if it posts it is not likely to be a cable issue.

The card is older, but I still have a 5870 and 5770(the 5770 is used very lightly however). I would expect it to last longer and since you say it works when in Windows, it does not seem to be failing in the normal sense.

If you happen to have another system to test it in, that would run out some kind of board defect.

I have not used Omega drivers in years, but do not remember having issues removing them or anything like that.

If you have reset the bios make sure the onboard video is still off.