HD 6670 for 1366x766 Resoultion ?

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Feb 19, 2013
I'm thinking of buying a new card, I play alot of games like Skyrim, Guild of wars 2,and L.A noire.
But I tried Far cry 3 with my current Rig and the fps are unbearable.

My Current Rig:
CPU : Dual Core E5800 3.2 Ghz 2 mb cache
Ram : 4 Gb DDR2 800 mhz
Graphic : Geforce GT240 GDDR3 1 Gb
PSU : 500 Watt ,, 20 Amp i think per connector for the 12V

So am thinking of buying an ATI HD 6670 GDDR5 only to play at 1366x768 resolution with high settings?

P.S I'm in low budget and I don't want to replace the CPU.

Actually maddhi the hd 6670 is fine for your resolution. I use an hd 6670 right now and it plays far cry 3 at 30-55 fps at medium and it gets around 30 fps at high.
I also have the same screen resolution as you but I have a better CPU and faster ram.
My specs are:
Core i5-3550
Amd hd 6670
Asus P8 h61-M...
I think you'd do better with a GDDR5 HD7750. I've played GW2 on a HD6670. It was..."tolerable," but far from great; some better resolution options weren't even available. The HD7750 isn't much more expensive, but is a LOT better. Make sure you get a GDDR5 version though. It shouldn't be necessary to even say that, but PowerColor has released an abomination that uses DDR3.
so the FPS is terrible even when the graphical setting turn to low with FC3?

FC3 can be demanding on the high especially when the MSAA being enabled. 6670 will be improvement over GT240 but don't expect to run FC3 on high smoothly even at low res such as 1366X768.

anyway what is your PCI-E version? if you want to get any amd 6k series you have to make sure your PCI-E version is 2.0 (or later). all amd 6k series was using PCI-E 2.1 standards which has know conflict with PCI-E version 1.1 and below. the problem can be fix via mobo BIOS updates but some mobo vendor did not issue BIOS update for board that it's support being discontinued

My motherboard is Foxconn g41mx-f.
here is the spec.

Is this is compatible with the PCI-E 2.1 ?



Yeah, I think it has a PCI-E 2.0 Version from this link, and yes Far Cry 3 with the lowest setting possible even 800x600 resolution barley getting 15 fps.

Well the difference in the price between them are huge in my country, approx 60-70$.
So that's why I am considering the HD 6670 since I'm in low budget.
That's a HUGE price difference; are you sure? They are perhaps $20 apart here.
Although your resolution is lower than mine where I used that card (1600x900), you will still probably not be able to select those better options; they simply weren't there to choose, or were greyed-out. I believe high-res character textures was one of them.


Actually maddhi the hd 6670 is fine for your resolution. I use an hd 6670 right now and it plays far cry 3 at 30-55 fps at medium and it gets around 30 fps at high.
I also have the same screen resolution as you but I have a better CPU and faster ram.
My specs are:
Core i5-3550
Amd hd 6670
Asus P8 h61-M LX3 Plus R2.0 Mobo
Kingston DDR3-1333 4 gb ram
32 bit windows 7 sp1 (unfortunately)
if your mobo does have PCI-E 2.0 then 6670 should work though most board with intel G41 chipset that i know of tend to use PCI-E 1.1. but dont put high expectation on high setting with smooth gameplay even at low res because the game itself is quite demanding when you jack up the graphical setting.

Yes, thank u that's what I'm looking for, and yes I will be playing Far cry 3 on medium, but games like Skyrim are less demanding i think so on High settings.
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