Hd 6670 or hd 7750

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axel blaze

Jan 11, 2013
Hello everyone,
I want to know that is hd 6670 better or hd 7750 for a 220watt psu
my system specs-core 2 duo e7400
ram-2gb ddr2(looking for upgrading it 4gb)
sorry i'm already telling that i cannot buy a psu
my budget is only > rs 6500(120$)
i want to play games like battlefield 3,hitman absolution at high and decent fps(<30fps)
if you have any other suggestion for me please tell......
Get vip 400r plus psu at rs 600.it has 20a on +12v rail.it can easily handle hd 7750.vip psu is local but are one of best in indian psu.
Ahh i'd be careful with a 220w psu. Personally I would not risk frying my pc.

but the 7750 is better so get that, it only consumes a little bit more power

Sad to say, the 7750 will be a little choppy on high settings. According the benchmarks, the avg fps will be in the 30's but will dip down below 30 during intense firefights.
I would easily go with the 7750.Less consumption and higher performance. Although dude you WILL HAVE TO get a new PSU. Don't worry I'm an Indian too and you could get a new PSU for a max of RS 2500. That also a good one. Because the 7750 requires a 450 watt minimum supply. So go to Flipkart and see for PSU's. I'm sure you will get one cheap for under 2000. try for Corsair, Seasonic or Coller Master.

hmmmm....but i cannot spend much more than that can you tell me how much load it will take when gaming is done?????

i am looking for sapphire 1gb ddr5 version...http://www.flipkart.com/sapphire-amd-ati-hd-7750-1-gb-gddr5-graphics-card/p/itmd7th7wdspnbrh?pid=GRCD7TGZBJSTR5YD
is it good???

We are long lost Indian brothers LOL. Although I must say he has same taste as me in Games and almost a same PC although mine is a bit better. I'm also looking to buy a new 7770 soon and a new PSU. I have a suck Inspiron 580's. India anyways sucks in Computer parts.

And for the name the thing is his name AXEL is a Kingdom hearts Character name and mine AXLE is a Cartoon network show guy name. Blaze is same so we are Brothers!! fiNALLY I FOUND MY BROTHER LOL!

lol im that axle blaze from inazuma eleven:)
and please tell me the total load it will take????

If you choose to play games like Hitman Absolution and others like Dead Space 3 and some new ones. Your PC will probably fry. Just saying. I would say if you have a less budget go with a lesser GPU and buy a PSU. Try out the GPU's on Flipkart which are for RS 5000 or something.Then you can buy a PSU too. Or just fry the damn PC and get Dad to buy a new one LOL.

Same here!! Maybe we just speel it differently but I find this name awesome and that show too :) Load get a new PSU dude. I'm sorry but your PC just can't take it. Check on Flipkart it requires a minimum 450 watt load.

Nothing for Rs 500 sorry. I say just wait and get some more money if you really want this one.

well a psu will cost rs 2500 and my budget for graphic card then will be rs 4000 and i dont think so there is any graphic card which can play bf3 or hitman at good settings and get +30fps

It would be able to play at 30 + FPS. just play on low settings. I have a suck nvidia 310 much worst than much cards and I still play Htman Absolution and battlefield 3 at 30 FPS at low settings. if you want to play at High settings. I'm saying it again a new pSU is the only way.
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