alexakis99 Distinguished Dec 2, 2012 240 0 18,710 Feb 10, 2013 #1 Will the HD 6770 bottleneck the AMD athlon ii x3? My rest of the system is: M5A78L-M LX3 4gb kingston 1333mhz seagate barracuda 500gb sata 2
Will the HD 6770 bottleneck the AMD athlon ii x3? My rest of the system is: M5A78L-M LX3 4gb kingston 1333mhz seagate barracuda 500gb sata 2
ASHISH65 Splendid Oct 15, 2012 5,964 0 27,310 Feb 10, 2013 #3 there will no bottleneck with AMD athlon ii x3h
alexakis99 Distinguished Dec 2, 2012 240 0 18,710 Feb 11, 2013 #4 ASHISH65 : there will no bottleneck with AMD athlon ii x3h Thanks!