HD 6850 gaming

Tomek Foremniak

Sep 8, 2013
Asus eah6850 DC/DIS/1GD5/V2.

Will this run Battlefield 3 , Gta IV , Farcry 3 , Crysis 2 at High/Ultra?

Resolution : 1600x900


Not ultra but medium-high depending on the rest of your system
At 1600x900 you might reach ultra in one or two of them with some luck, but generally aim for high settings. I can run Far Cry 3 at 1920x1080 very high on my 6850, though anti-aliasing makes it a bit too choppy (so I step down to high instead, to get smoother frame rates and some AA).
i5 3570k
Asus p8b75-v
Asus eah6850 DC/2DIS/1GD5/V2
Geil DDR3 8gb 1333MHz
Asus eah6850 DC/2DIS/1GD5/V2
Deus m1 80+ bronze 650w
Silentumpc fortis
Zalman z9 plus
1TB WD Green

I bought it new from Poland for 490$ 😉

Package will arrive to me Monday , Tuesday.

1 GB is fine at 1600x900. Heck, in many games 1 GB is sufficient at 1920x1080.
if you think so.......... I've been down that road. you need to keep the texture info in the ram on the card so it doesn't offload otherwise you'll get performance like sakkura was alluding to. choppy. and it just isn't the use of AA, which I always turn on 4 or 8x because it does make a difference.

But that's at 1920x1080. He's running at 1600x900.
the extra frame buffer made a difference between being playable and not being playable. it also made it possible to enable 16q in the games control panel at 1680 res. at that time I was running a very good for it's time quad core 775. ( still a good quad core )

you're missing the point I'm trying to make.
you're going to have hitching or slow ups or spits and sputters.

TPU benchmarks............ and just about any benchmarks you see on the web............. they don't show the dips in FPS or how bad the game play gets when those dips occur. when those benchmarks are made there isn't anybody actually playing the games so they can't give an accurate analogy. 99% are automated and the ( usually ) highest numbers are displayed. very misleading.

another thing, look at the test rig they use.
The minimum FPS is a nearly meaningless stat. You want to measure choppiness, you need to look at frame latency, either at a few percentiles or across the whole spectrum.

Anyway, the 6850 gets sufficient average FPS that it should be fine. And my impression, having used my 6850 extensively at 1920x1080, is that the 1 GB will be plenty for 1600x900. It's only just beginning to become insufficient for 1920x1080.