for what games? for what resolution? At 1080p, you're going to have to turn down AA and things and set the sliders to more performance than quality for most newer games out there. For 1024x768 and a game that's 3 years years old, you could max it. You can overclock it. What is your CPU. How much RAM. ARe you happy with 30fps or do you need 60fps?
As you see, there is no "perfect" settings. It's a less than $100 card, so don't expect miracles from it. I would suggest turning all the sliders you can to performance, AA and other options to be application controlled, then in the games you are playing, play with the settings and find the right one for each game.
I have that card and can most games a decent settings but sometimes I still have to go lowish settings sometimes and it's mostly just tweaking and checking fps and gameplay as you go.