hd 7850 problem


May 30, 2012

i have a old 42 plasma that has dvi output.

i had it run with gtx 280 and fx580 and 9800 gtx and ps3.

the screen worked great until i got the hd 7850.

i install it on the pc and i can see the bios up then the windowsloading page

with bad resolution and then i can't see nothing, there is black screen

and the windows not even work i can tell because the teamviewer isn't start

and i also can't get to it from mstsc.

now if i get the dvi out, power on the pc, and give it to start and plug back the dvi

its work like any other card,

games on ultra and everything.

so for 2 months i am using it when every shutdown\restart i have to unplug the dvi

boot and plug it agen.

now with a regular pc screen everything working just fine..

so that was on a win8 pc

now i got new pc with everything new but with the same hd 7850

witch is 2 months old and i install win7 on it and there is

the exact same problem so oviecly its the gpu and nothing els..

when i put an nvidia card everything is working perfect.. on the big 42 screen..

any suggestions?

oh and by the way i forgot to mention that if the pc goes to sleep or turn of the screen the screen is never awake and the same thing is happening (new and old pc) so of course i disable sleep anyway and set the turn of the screen to never because it also makes the pc stuck
Sounds like a driver conflict.

COMPLETELY uninstall the nvidia drivers and software, then run ccleaner to clean up any cruft. Remove nvidia card and boot to onboard graphics. Install current AMD driver (from AMD, not from disc). Reinstall radeon card and boot to gpu.

there isent nvidia driver.. like i said its a new pc everything is new i installd clean win7 and than the ati drivers and on this board i dont have onboard gpu and if i go to a regular screen everything works..

if its drivers then i have nothing to do because that's the ati drivers and even before installing the ati drivers it was like that..
when i install the win 7 i had to take it to ather screen..
no it display to the plasma but only the bios and the windows loading page..
unless i plug out the dvi power on the pc let it start until i hear windows 7 in my speakers and plug back and then everything work..
you mean the dual link 24 pins? yeah i tested it with 3 different version of dvi and even hdmi to dvi from an hdmi port only with the hdmi it works ones in a time but rarely..
i even tried to set up the output throw my reciver..
the problem is that the card cant "speak" with the tv after windows loading page and the changed resolution some how get the hole pc stack when in regular screen there isn't that problem
i can only asume that the card needs special driver i tried everything i know and got nowhere with it..

can someone tell me what driver it uses on windows loading page and the bios because its a different resolution on both of them..

oh and by the way i forgot to mention that if the pc goes to sleep or turn of the screen the screen is never awake and the same thing is happening (new and old pc) so of course i disable sleep anyway and set the turn of the screen to never because it also makes the pc stuck


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