HD 7850 safe Overclock (long term)


Feb 4, 2013
Hi guy's.

Just completed an upgrade and part of it was a Sapphire HD 7850.

I've done some initial benchmarking using Heaven and at stock I get 75.4 fps and with OC'ing within MSI Afterburner I get 82.4 fps.

Now my question is, is there a safe over clock that I can use permanently?

Stock is Core Clock = 860mhz / Memory Clock = 1200mhz

The CC goes up to 1050mhz and the MC starts inducing crashes on Heaven above 1312mhz.

My stabilised numbers were 1050Mhz CC / 1308mhz MC = 82.4 fps

Can I run that indefinitely or do I run the risk of damage?

Any info would be appreciated as this will effect my permanent settings, thanks.
Every card is different so you will have to find out yourself. Increase the clock ratings little by little. Then if its stable, check if temps are fine. If both are good your card should be safe.
Well I've heard of benchmarking going way up there if you increase the voltage which I have no intention of doing.

As I mentioned I have already found a stable Core and Memory clock, just really wanted to know if that would wear on the card if I used it permanently?

Sticksmansam what if I used 1050Mhz Core Clock what would be a safe Memory clock number to go with it?

As I mentioned 1317Mhz upward without volt increase crashed heaven, 1308mhz has been fine so far, stock is 1200mhz what is a good number to go with the 1050mhz core clock?
just note that the amd parters knew in advance that people would overclock their cards, which is why hd7k series cards are heavily underclocked. bumping up to 1050 and so is perfectly fine. especially if you didnt mess with the voltage. the voltage is generally what will diminish the life of the gpu.

Thanks that's what I wanted to know, lastly then and what has been causing my Heaven crashes seems to be the Memory Clock.

Stock is 1200mhz and I've read people find 1300mhz stable, is it worth the bump to 1300 or should I leave it?

Once again I'm talking about a permanent setting here not short term, thanks.
I have a power color 7850 o/c card. and it has a better cooler on it as opposed to stock one. it sits on 1000 mhz for core and 1225 for ram. I would say you are fine to put the ram on 1225, as my ram doesn't have a cooler attached to it, so its basically the same as a reference board in that respect.

but the GPU itself I have 15% cooler temps over std. so most sit on 65 degrees at full load. mine is overclocked and sits on 60 with 30% fan if I turn it up to 60% I get 50 odd degrees.

so for you the best would be to leave the gpu around 900- 950 at the very most. and just up the voltage a tiny bit. my voltage is on 1.212 (in the slider I have to set to 1.251 to get that voltage (again that is the factory overclock on my card as well) so I would set your voltage on +.1- .3 over stick I think stock is 1.8 or 1.9 (check this) upping the voltage will make ur overclock more stable. so if you are crashing at the numbers you mentioned. did you increase the voltage as well? if not up it to the amounts I stated. 1.3 is the MAX ATI say before you ruin the card. so 1.2 is safe for longevity

My voltage is on stock and will be staying that way as this is a permanent setting.

I can't adjust vlts on MSI and I know you can on GPU Tweak but I don't want to do it, I basically want to find a safe setting within the AMD accepted over clock range.

Funny though I just put my Memory clock back to 1250 and just left the Core Clock up at 1050mhz and it gave me my best ever score on Heaven high setting.

Min FPS:23.4
Max FPS:168.6

Maximum temperature was 68c.

So stock Mem clock of 1250mhz with 1050mhz Core clock.

Is this a safe permanent setting?
What about temperature though, when running Heaven Benchmark the difference is .....

Stock = 62c

Overclocked = 68c

If I'm running a game for a good few hours isn't 68c constant approaching the high side? I know GPU's can run into the 70c + and be considered safe but I'm looking at it from the cautious side.

Reason is I've heard various accounts of what's a safe overclock for this card ranging from 9050 to 1050mhz to even don't do it at all hence the confusion.

Just wanted to bump this one last time.

To any of the experienced clockers out there.

If I take my Radeon Sapphire HD 7850 and go from .....

860MHz Core Clock
1200MHz Memory Clock

....... and clock it up to the equivalent of a 7870 which is,

1000MHz Core Clock
1200MHz Memory Clock

If I leave it at that setting permanently will I see any degrading of the card? tbh it's not a big OC for that card but I always err on the side of caution so would like some advice from those in the know, thanks.

1000/1200 is still under the average overclockers level for the 7850. I tuned mines back to 1050/5200(or 1300 if you divide by 4) and mines still going strong. past the first year mark. it will only degrade the card heavily if it gets too hot. 1000/1200 is obtainable with stock voltage generally so I dont think it will do anything significantly bad.