HD 7950 getting very low scores with Firestrike, help?


Jun 18, 2014
CPU: FX-6300 (oc'd @ 4.3ghz)
GPU: Sapphire HD 7950 Dual-X (ASIC Quality 78.1%)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
PSU: Inland 500w
RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport 4GB DDR3 1600 9-9-9-24

* I just bought this hd 7950 second hand.
* I'm using the free version of 3Dmark, and am running the standard Firestrike.

7950 running @ 925/1250 (Won't go stock 850):

7950 running @ 1000/1400 and power limit +20:

The graphics score is LOWER when overclocked... Conversely, my CPU overclock results remain consistent.

My best score:

I was only able to get it once.. These seem to be abnormally low for this card, am I right? What can I do and what do you think the issue is?
Try lowering the vram clocks a little. Im not 100% sure how Tahitis handle memory read/write errors, but at least earlier cards would try the operation again and again until it succeeded (or it thinks it has). And so the overall performance would drop but no artefacts would be seen on the image.

Just to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, you mean underclock my 3gb of ram?

instead of 1400MHz, try something like 1375MHz... or even lower.
heck, try several different clocks, run the bench couple of times at each clock and see where the score maxes out. 😀


I gave it a shot at 1060/1350 @ 1187 VDDC, the results are below.

My thoughts as well, I'm just puzzled as to what. I did monitor, with the new tweaks my temps are in the low-mid 70s. Usage is 100%, clocks are 1060/1350.

New Tweaks:

With 1060/1350 @ 1187 VDDC, in Firestrike I managed:

Total score: 6024
Graphic Score: 7823
Physics Score: 5821 (Confused why this is 1000 less, closed all apps)
Combined Score: 2255

Correction!! I forgot, the monitoring I was thinking of was in Heaven Benchmark - not 3Dmark! I checked GPU-Z as 3Dmark ran, and I am being throttled! It's only going 925/1250. Why I got a score of 7800 beats me, but it only happened twice anyway. Any ideas on how to solve this capping?